Podium - Notice history

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Notice history

Jun 2024

Android app notifications aren't delivering for some users
  • Resolved

    Android app version 8.18.2 is now available to everyone and contains even further notification fixes. We appreciate the patience

  • Monitoring

    We believe we have discovered and fixed the root issue causing notifications from delivering. App version 8.18.1 is now available on the Play Store and appears to solve the issue. We're continuing to work on further improvements

  • Investigating

    We're still actively working on a fix for android notifications. We have a few potential solutions we're pursuing. We appreciate the patience

  • Investigating

    We're seeing an increase of issues with Android notifications not delivering. We've got our engineering team taking a look to see what we can find. We believe Phone Call notifications are unaffected, inbound call notifications still seem to be working.

    If your Android device isn't receiving notifications there are a few items worth checking to ensure there isn't anything else affecting notifications. These include:

    • Confirm notifications are allowed in device settings

    • Confirm notification are enabled in the Podium app

    • Check mobile device notification quiet hours or power save settings

    • Check "Flip to shh" on Google devices

    • Confirm the Podium app is up to date

    • Confirm device OS is up to date

    • Log out and back in

    • Toggle off and back on the Podium notification permissions in the device settings

    We'll provide updates soon.

May 2024

Apr 2024

Podium Mobile App Unavailable from iOS App Store
  • Resolved

    This issue has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    We're seeing the Podium Mobile app return on iOS. If you do not see the app available on search, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/podium-small-business-tools/id971412288

  • Identified

    Some users may not be able to see the Podium Mobile App on iOS App Store. We're working on resolution.

Apr 2024 to Jun 2024
