Podium - Notice history

All systems operational

Automations - Operational

Bulk Messaging - Operational

Contacts - Operational

Messaging - Operational

Mobile - Operational

Payments - Operational

Podium Services - Operational

Public API - Operational

Reviews - Operational

Surveys - Operational

LeadDrive - Operational

Phones - Operational

Web Application - Operational

Webchat - Operational

Marketplace - Operational

AI Employee - Operational

Notice history

Mar 2024

Feb 2024

Facebook Connection errors
  • Resolved

    We have resolved the issue with our Facebook connection. Users will need to reconnect to Facebook in order to reliably pull in Facebook reviews and respond to them from Podium.

    Review invitations prompting customers to leave a review on the business' Facebook page are still functional and unaffected.

    To learn how to connect Facebook to your account, please read our help article located HERE.

  • Identified

    We are continuing work on a fix for Reviews capabilities for Facebook connections. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Identified

    We've identified the issue and are working on a fix.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating an issue with Facebook Business Pages getting disconnected from Podium accounts. We will provide updates as we uncover more.

  • Identified

    Facebook messaging functionality should now be restored, and we are working on restoring the reviews functionality of the Facebook connection.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating some errors with the Facebook Messenger getting disconnected on customer's accounts. We will update as soon as more information is available!

Help Center site is down
  • Resolved

    This issue should be resolved

  • Monitoring

    We've implemented a fix. New visitors should be able to view the site while recent visitors may need to wait a few more minutes for the fix to take place. We'll continue to monitor until we've ensured all users are able to access the site.

  • Investigating

    We're currently investigating our help center page at help.podium.com as it appears to be down for most users. We'll provide updates soon.

Jan 2024

Jan 2024 to Mar 2024
